fables98: Cottle County Courthouse, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Cottle County Courthouse, Paducah, Texas Historical Marker
fables98: Old First State Bank Building and M.E. Moses Store, Paducah, Texas
fables98: The Gray And The Blue, Paducah, Texas Historical Marker
fables98: Masonic Lodge, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Row of Abandonment, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Cottle Hotel, Paducah, Texas
fables98: The Never Ending Road
fables98: Hotel Cafe Ghost Sign, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Looking Up
fables98: Come On In....
fables98: Abandoned Building 1, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Abandoned Building 2, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Back of the Cottle, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Abandoned In Paducah
fables98: Alley, Paducah, Texas
fables98: Ghost Sign, Paducah, Texas