texascowgirl35: Three New Babies 1-365
texascowgirl35: On A Warm Winter Day
texascowgirl35: A Cat's Favorite Meal - Day 3/365
texascowgirl35: King Of The Castle - Day 4/365
texascowgirl35: One Week Old Today Day 5/365
texascowgirl35: Natural Light On Winters Trees Day 6/365
texascowgirl35: Frozen In - Freezing Rain Day 7/365
texascowgirl35: The Only Girl Day 8/365
texascowgirl35: Sleeping Comfortably Day 9/365
texascowgirl35: The Boys Like To Sleep On Their Back Day 10/365
texascowgirl35: Sunshine & High 56 Degrees - Day 11/365
texascowgirl35: On The Way Home Day 12/365
texascowgirl35: The only problem was.... Day 13/365
texascowgirl35: Naptime zzzzz Day 14/365
texascowgirl35: I can see now :-) Day 15/365
texascowgirl35: Day 16/365 Snugglin Pups
texascowgirl35: On a Sunday Drive - Day 17/365
texascowgirl35: Day 18/365 The fiesty one of the bunch wants to bite the sisters head off just like a boy huh?? LOL
texascowgirl35: Nightlights Of Decatur, Texas Day 19/365
texascowgirl35: Day 20/365 Storm Clouds
texascowgirl35: Day 21/365 Playful Pup
texascowgirl35: Reaching for the Sunshine Day 22/365
texascowgirl35: The Birds, the birds... Day 23/365
texascowgirl35: Day 24/365 Hangin at that old barn