tewahipounamu: Path from Mauthausen to the concentration camp
tewahipounamu: "Russian" or Infirmary Camp and Sports Ground
tewahipounamu: "Russian" or Infirmary Camp
tewahipounamu: Remembering the Victims of Tyranny
tewahipounamu: Stairs of Death
tewahipounamu: Headquarter
tewahipounamu: Entry to the Concentration Camp
tewahipounamu: Camp Gatehouse
tewahipounamu: Where the Inmates Were Robbed of Their Identity
tewahipounamu: Showers
tewahipounamu: Barracks 1, 6 and 11
tewahipounamu: Inside Barrack No 1
tewahipounamu: Roll Call Area
tewahipounamu: Barbed Wire
tewahipounamu: 82,000 Names
tewahipounamu: Castle Hartheim
tewahipounamu: Castle Hartheim, Court
tewahipounamu: Castle Hartheim, Court
tewahipounamu: Castle Hartheim, Former Admission Room
tewahipounamu: Castle Hartheim, Former Gas Chamber and Crematorium
tewahipounamu: 23,000 Names