TevK: funeral urn
TevK: snake
TevK: that venus... always misplacing her arms
TevK: IMG_7702.JPG
TevK: stained glass
TevK: 12th century chapter house
TevK: last supper
TevK: troubled dreams
TevK: mosaic
TevK: hyper-real
TevK: cyborg mom powers up
TevK: the baker
TevK: IMG_7712.JPG
TevK: IMG_7713.JPG
TevK: IMG_7714.JPG
TevK: IMG_7715.JPG
TevK: IMG_7716.JPG
TevK: IMG_7717.JPG
TevK: mother earth
TevK: cute art girl
TevK: spirit of the '60s... the 1860s that is...
TevK: nude bathers
TevK: kandinsky
TevK: a lone magritte
TevK: IMG_7725.JPG
TevK: IMG_7726.JPG
TevK: IMG_7727.JPG
TevK: with everyone else in puffy period shirts, this guy looked like a time traveller
TevK: weirdly distorted
TevK: ooh, i can't wait! nail me up now! now!