TevK: Star Trek: The Experience: The Sign
TevK: view from the window behind our table in Quark's bar
TevK: NCC-1701-D
TevK: 3D chess
TevK: the comm unit seems to have melted her head
TevK: authentic tribble and nipple
TevK: gear
TevK: all-purpose doohicky
TevK: good for spacewalks, or skiing
TevK: The KirkKiller™
TevK: they aren't very uniform, are they?
TevK: IMG_7184.JPG
TevK: hypospray - not to be confused with the hypnospray
TevK: good fer zappin' brains
TevK: in case you are an unfortunate red shirt
TevK: science doohicky
TevK: medic!
TevK: IMG_7194.JPG
TevK: PADD, also in redd
TevK: IMG_7196.JPG
TevK: combadges? we don't need no stinking combadges!
TevK: isolinear chips
TevK: IMG_7199.JPG
TevK: this might hurt a little...
TevK: "my complication had a little complication"
TevK: IMG_7203.JPG
TevK: IMG_7204.JPG
TevK: IMG_7206.JPG
TevK: zap zap