TevK: busy beavers
TevK: what are those beavers up to?
TevK: Beaver drag trail
TevK: poetry readings can get rough
TevK: ready to rumble
TevK: walk softly, and carry a chain
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TevK: IMG_6564.JPG
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TevK: natural white noise generator soothes the nerves
TevK: Judy surveys the stream
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TevK: mint survived a few frosts already
TevK: parsley refuses to die
TevK: hearty lettuce
TevK: dead tomatoes
TevK: squashed squash
TevK: picturesque
TevK: ducks
TevK: ducks
TevK: Pollution is yucky.
TevK: Mmmm, paralytic shellfish. My favorite.
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TevK: Llamas
TevK: Llamas
TevK: horsies
TevK: the neighbor's apiary