TevK: monkey see, monkey do
TevK: IMG_1887.JPG
TevK: 120€ = $163
TevK: uses those coffee "pods"
TevK: an office upstairs at Maxon
TevK: flavored syrups
TevK: ja! ist Milch!
TevK: "Bad" is German for "spa", like a hot springs
TevK: my temporary Maxon workspace
TevK: Marco's desk at Maxon
TevK: hallway at maxon
TevK: lobby at maxon
TevK: IMG_1904.JPG
TevK: IMG_1905.JPG
TevK: maxon's awards
TevK: Marco tells me in the summer, developer meetings sometimes take place in the pool
TevK: IMG_1908.JPG
TevK: IMG_1909.JPG
TevK: IMG_1910.JPG
TevK: IMG_1912.JPG
TevK: Maxon HQ
TevK: IMG_1915.JPG
TevK: IMG_1916.JPG
TevK: IMG_1917.JPG
TevK: IMG_1918.JPG
TevK: IMG_1919.JPG
TevK: IMG_1920.JPG
TevK: wooo! it's the shadowy ghost of Goethe! no, wait, it's just tev.
TevK: IMG_1922.JPG