Yuma_B: Short-tailed Hawk (buteo brachyurus)
Yuma_B: Red-shouldered Hawk (buteo lineatus)
Yuma_B: Here comes dinner....
Yuma_B: Over and Under
Yuma_B: Snail Kite (rostrhamus sociabillis)
Yuma_B: American Kestrel (falco sparverius)
Yuma_B: Crested Caracara (caracara cheriway)
Yuma_B: Red-shouldered Hawk (buteo lineatus)
Yuma_B: Lunch Time
Yuma_B: On the attack...
Yuma_B: Red-tailed Hawk (buteo jamaicensis)
Yuma_B: Fist full of food
Yuma_B: Peregrine Falcon (falco peregrinus)
Yuma_B: Cooper's Hawk (accipiter cooperii)
Yuma_B: A pair of Ospreys
Yuma_B: The mating pair of Red-shouldered hawks
Yuma_B: Birds do it.......
Yuma_B: Red-shouldered Hawk (buteo lineatus)
Yuma_B: Red-shouldered Hawk (buteo lineatus)
Yuma_B: The Lookout
Yuma_B: Bald Eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus)
Yuma_B: Cooper's Hawk (accipiter cooperii)
Yuma_B: Inter-species cooperation...
Yuma_B: See my red shoulder.....
Yuma_B: Barred Owl (strix varia)
Yuma_B: American Kestrel (falco sparverius)
Yuma_B: Black Vulture (coragyps atratus)
Yuma_B: Osprey (pandion haliadetus)
Yuma_B: Broad-winged Hawk (buteo platypterus)
Yuma_B: Getting along....