Tetisheri13: 1925.3.1 Copy of a bust of Akhenaten
Tetisheri13: 1925.3.1 Copy of a bust of Akhenaten
Tetisheri13: 1786 Head of an ancient Egyptian granite statue of Sekhmet
Tetisheri13: 1977.36 Marble bust of Isis
Tetisheri13: R4560/1937 Ancient Egyptian defaced limestone stela
Tetisheri13: 8134 Basalt bilingual stela
Tetisheri13: 14084-5 Marble busts of the Haworths
Tetisheri13: 42031 Bust of a man from Palmyra
Tetisheri13: 42032 Bust of a woman from Palmyra
Tetisheri13: 633 Ancient Egyptian black granite offering table
Tetisheri13: 1760 Ancient Egyptian bilingual signpost
Tetisheri13: 1785 Ancient Egyptian colossal statue of a baboon
Tetisheri13: 1914 Ancient Egyptian fragment of quartzite inscription
Tetisheri13: 5886 Detail from an ancient Egyptian ostracon with a depiction of a funeral
Tetisheri13: 6295 Limestone stela of a man
Tetisheri13: 1924.31.9 Predynastic cosmetic jar
Tetisheri13: 5886 Ancient Egyptian ostracon with a depiction of a funeral
Tetisheri13: 1932 Fragment of an arm from a statue
Tetisheri13: E.584 Fragment of a carved inscription
Tetisheri13: E.606 Limestone fragment with swallow
Tetisheri13: E.5269 Limestone relief of a bird
Tetisheri13: E.5280 Sculptor's relief of a falcon
Tetisheri13: E.5281 Sculptor's trial piece of a quail chick
Tetisheri13: E.5282 Fragment of a carved bird relief
Tetisheri13: E.5283 Limestone fragment with carved vulture
Tetisheri13: E.5284 Limestone relief of an Akh-bird
Tetisheri13: E.5266 Dummy Canopic jar of Qebefsenuef
Tetisheri13: E.5267 Dummy Canopic jar of Imsety
Tetisheri13: E.5264 Limestone cobra
Tetisheri13: E35-Inscription