Two of Two: winter tulips in a conch shell, pilfered from a fancy wedding
Two of Two: Sweetwater party at Miss Favela
Two of Two: bosco boa
Two of Two: fur people porn for laurel
Two of Two: Big fat snowflakes falling from the sky
Two of Two: mmmm pea soup
Two of Two: mimi stretch2.jpg
Two of Two: mimi stretch1.jpg
Two of Two: mimi in the other Mi-eames chair
Two of Two: Fur brigade at work
Two of Two: Dutch couple bearing pussy willows on the uptown M15 bus on a Friday evening
Two of Two: the fur people
Two of Two: giant skype bear at the airport
Two of Two: beautiful winter light
Two of Two: playing with my pussy till it hurts
Two of Two: Tanya ?!
Two of Two: Cat sacrifice
Two of Two: Manback Tonic
Two of Two: Yogi and Wilson
Two of Two: Pizza Heaven
Two of Two: Josh on Laurel's bike