Tracy27: Indy, Pooch D'Amour
Tracy27: Indy's Steak Radar Acquires a Target
Tracy27: Indy with ball
Tracy27: Squinty
Tracy27: Indy on Porch - Posterized
Tracy27: Good Indy
Tracy27: Indy and Fender
Tracy27: Indy & Sgt. Loup Garou
Tracy27: Biscuit?
Tracy27: The Beast Within
Tracy27: Moving is rough on a girl
Tracy27: Refuge
Tracy27: Indy
Tracy27: Indy Closeup
Tracy27: Indy Profile
Tracy27: Indy Punk
Tracy27: Sun Worshipper
Tracy27: Indy
Tracy27: SuperDog
Tracy27: Indy's Summer Home
Tracy27: Former Supermodel
Tracy27: Lick!
Tracy27: Forlorn
Tracy27: Indy Rhodes 1/2/96 - 8/19/06
Tracy27: Scabby-Doo
Tracy27: Camping
Tracy27: Sniff
Tracy27: Love
Tracy27: Extreme Close-Up
Tracy27: Profile