tessconrad: Rincewind and the vizeer
tessconrad: dancing 'girls'
tessconrad: moist von lipwig
tessconrad: nadwcon crest
tessconrad: Gala background
tessconrad: seamstresses crest
tessconrad: Vimes and Sybil, the day after
tessconrad: Sariph of Al Khali
tessconrad: Banquet wizards
tessconrad: Dragon clinging to witch's hat
tessconrad: Pratchett and his beer
tessconrad: Pratchett speaks
tessconrad: Sariph of Al Khali speaks
tessconrad: exiting bellydancers
tessconrad: Pratchett moves closer for a better look at the bellydancers
tessconrad: bellyancing interloper
tessconrad: Blurry bellydancing
tessconrad: Dancing with fire upon their heads
tessconrad: Bellydancing with fire