tessar lo: ikebana 2
tessar lo: holy icon with two red mountains as memento
tessar lo: ikebana 1
tessar lo: tally ritual forever
tessar lo: in the dark we danced and your hand became a plane that took us high and far away,
tessar lo: the newest year with infinity on its back,
tessar lo: all the things before the jazz maker(s) in a nightswim,
tessar lo: thinking aheads
tessar lo: after the blur, chaos and guardian face
tessar lo: verging verge debut
tessar lo: in contrast to the bright orange sky just 1000 hopes ago,
tessar lo: the vessel in which you ride, but also become
tessar lo: vision of a variation of a theme, god-like
tessar lo: some things to consider, before you, turning white.
tessar lo: mask
tessar lo: building totem
tessar lo: window with moon
tessar lo: bright ride
tessar lo: winter element
tessar lo: flowers
tessar lo: the breaking crown, or akin to the blackness,