tessar lo: wipsml,
tessar lo: the start of an edit.
tessar lo: editing.
tessar lo: future.
tessar lo: dc vs marvel amalagam universe.
tessar lo: flurriee.
tessar lo: shan.
tessar lo: worry + sleepy = wleepry
tessar lo: papara
tessar lo: IMG00145-20090324-0256.jpg
tessar lo: roti.
tessar lo: all i needer
tessar lo: i never zine that before.
tessar lo: she needs my love.
tessar lo: future perfect cata/zine
tessar lo: one way to look at it
tessar lo: plum
tessar lo: one place you can find me
tessar lo: all i need
tessar lo: all i needest
tessar lo: down