Tessar.: Sluice Gates Near Kirtlington Lock
Tessar.: Ural Motorcycle
Tessar.: Willow Branches
Tessar.: Ben "Fishing"
Tessar.: Public Footpath
Tessar.: Ben on the Bridlepath to Tackley
Tessar.: Ben on the Bridlepath to Tackley
Tessar.: Ben "Fishing" Again
Tessar.: Bokeh test for 5.8cm f/1.4
Tessar.: Bokeh test for 5.8cm f/1.4
Tessar.: Bokeh test for 5.8cm f/1.4
Tessar.: Bokeh test for 5.8cm f/1.4
Tessar.: More Bokeh Testing!
Tessar.: 5.8cm f/1.4 Bokeh Test
Tessar.: Sluice Gate 5.8cm f/1.4 Bokeh Test (f/8)
Tessar.: Hawthorne Berries
Tessar.: Flowers in the front garden
Tessar.: Chapman City Ramber Bag
Tessar.: Flowers in the front garden
Tessar.: Chapman City Ramber Bag