Beckie D: Hoffstadt Bluffs visitor center
Beckie D: Hoffstadt Bluffs visitor center picnic area
Beckie D: Toutle River valley, but no mountain in sight
Beckie D: Terry and Dee
Beckie D: Gordy, Phil, Ron
Beckie D: Johnston Ridge visitor center. Even with binoculars Phil can't see Mt St Helens.
Beckie D: Mt St Helens is lost in the cloud, but only 5 miles away.
Beckie D: Phil. Spirit Lake is over his shoulder.
Beckie D: 12 cars follow us home along Burnt Ridge.
Beckie D: Gathered around the shop...
Beckie D: ...and in front of the house.
Beckie D: Party house
Beckie D: Rich, Steve (hidden), Jean, Jim, Ron, Frank, Dave
Beckie D: Terry
Beckie D: Phil mans the barbie
Beckie D: Gordy
Beckie D: Gretchen and Mary
Beckie D: Margaret, Dwight, Connie
Beckie D: Jean
Beckie D: Heading for the birthday girl. Beckie, Lois, Jean, Eldora, Dave, Connie, Diane, Gretchen.
Beckie D: Lois celebrates her 70th birthday with us.
Beckie D: "Dr" Steve will drive Austin back to Yakima for repairs. He left his Healey for us to drive.
Beckie D: Terri and Jim head out.
Beckie D: Day 2 - mini tour west of I-5. Terry's aunt and uncle used to own this store in Vader.
Beckie D: View in other direction in Vader. Note the covered area over the closed gas pumps...
Beckie D: Here's lookin' at ya! Dee.
Beckie D: 14 minutes after previous gas pump photo...a downpour sent 3 cars quickly under cover!!
Beckie D: Lois's Tweety braved the rain squall.
Beckie D: Wet and dry. Sunshine and shadow.
Beckie D: Winlock - Egg Capital of the World