Beckie D: This leaf tickles!!
Beckie D: Mmmm, lunch!!
Beckie D: Where did my lunch go?
Beckie D: Snowy Jack
Beckie D: Mike's snowman
Beckie D: Mike takes his snowman for a ride
Beckie D: February 28th snow: 5 more inches.
Beckie D: Hitchhiker!
Beckie D: Where did everyone go??
Beckie D: Brrrrrrr!!!
Beckie D: Skagit County wanderings
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008. The gardens were fabulous, but I love funky yard art.
Beckie D: Vashon Island Garden Tour 2008
Beckie D: Sweet treats!
Beckie D: Boo!!!
Beckie D: Happpy Halloween!
Beckie D: Baby, it's COLD outside!!!!
Beckie D: Frosty bows thankfully to the snow gods! Santa's not sure what the fuss is about.
Beckie D: 7:27 Saturday morning!
Beckie D: Out of body experience
Beckie D: Santa melt
Beckie D: I see cookies!! Yum, yum!!
Beckie D: Ice stalks!
Beckie D: Eight dollars, but not enough for lunch in Westport