Stijn Heymans: Fish market
Stijn Heymans: Busy fish market
Stijn Heymans: waterfront view being announced
Stijn Heymans: waterfront view is a bit disappointing
Stijn Heymans: view gets worse
Stijn Heymans: music 2
Stijn Heymans: invasion
Stijn Heymans: water 2
Stijn Heymans: space needle
Stijn Heymans: crazy people
Stijn Heymans: space needle 2
Stijn Heymans: lose some weight, even your shadow is starting to look fat
Stijn Heymans: what the hell was I photographing
Stijn Heymans: building up
Stijn Heymans: ha! (almost)
Stijn Heymans: space needle
Stijn Heymans: I clearly was at the space needle
Stijn Heymans: Experience Music Project museum
Stijn Heymans: Entrance
Stijn Heymans: std::vector<std::string>
Stijn Heymans: Seattle Art Museum
Stijn Heymans: Some Stairs to See in Seattle
Stijn Heymans: He has his Building at the U of Wash.
Stijn Heymans: This one!
Stijn Heymans: U of W 1