Photos from Terry: The Delicate White Daylily
Photos from Terry: A Spray of Beauty
Photos from Terry: It's a Crepe Myrtle Morning
Photos from Terry: "Each flower is a soul opening out to nature."
Photos from Terry: Two Morning Beauties
Photos from Terry: In the Pink
Photos from Terry: Bird of Paradise
Photos from Terry: Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~Henry Beecher
Photos from Terry: “True friendship is like a rose. We can't realize it's beauty until it fades.”
Photos from Terry: Queen of the Night
Photos from Terry: Last of the Monsoon Bloomers
Photos from Terry: "In the garden of thy heart, plant naught but the rose of love."Bahá’u’lláh
Photos from Terry: Monday's Blooms
Photos from Terry: Petal in the Rain
Photos from Terry: Something to cheer your day
Photos from Terry: Palo Verde Blooms
Photos from Terry: Simplicity
Photos from Terry: My Winter Rose in the Morning Fog
Photos from Terry: Wild Poppys
Photos from Terry: Queen of the Night
Photos from Terry: Afternoon Delight
Photos from Terry: "Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower. "