Terry Straehley: Grey Heron
Terry Straehley: Lunch in Nairobi
Terry Straehley: Carnivore Restaurant Nairobi
Terry Straehley: Rest Stop on the road to Amboseli
Terry Straehley: Sunset at Amboseli
Terry Straehley: Elephant and Baby
Terry Straehley: Inside a Massai Home
Terry Straehley: Massai Boys in School
Terry Straehley: Massai teacher and Students
Terry Straehley: Massai Schoolboys
Terry Straehley: Massai Vendors
Terry Straehley: Massai Village
Terry Straehley: Young Masai Boy
Terry Straehley: Elephant
Terry Straehley: Grant's Gazelle
Terry Straehley: Sacred Ibis
Terry Straehley: Secretary Bird
Terry Straehley: Superb Starling
Terry Straehley: White-backed Vulture
Terry Straehley: Secretary Bird
Terry Straehley: Bohr Redbuck
Terry Straehley: Red-eyed Dove
Terry Straehley: Mt. Kilamanjaro (in Tanzania)