T.L. Williams: Arkansas hamburger, Texas beef
T.L. Williams: Eye to Eye
T.L. Williams: Side profile
T.L. Williams: Money changer
T.L. Williams: Pretty in pink
T.L. Williams: Three Amigos Eating Chinese
T.L. Williams: Reflections of a mother
T.L. Williams: Impromptu Model 1
T.L. Williams: Impromptu Model 2
T.L. Williams: Rattan hat
T.L. Williams: Spare Parts?
T.L. Williams: Titus and Mom
T.L. Williams: Impromptu Model 3
T.L. Williams: Where to now?
T.L. Williams: Hijacked at the Porta-Potty
T.L. Williams: Ice, Ice, Baby
T.L. Williams: Time for Popsicles
T.L. Williams: You want what?
T.L. Williams: Walk, don't run.
T.L. Williams: Cute couple
T.L. Williams: Who needs rhythm
T.L. Williams: Have Corn, Will Travel.
T.L. Williams: Say 'Cheese'
T.L. Williams: Ice, Ice, Baby