Terry Clinton: The expectant stage
Terry Clinton: Rolf Lislevand
Terry Clinton: La Reverdie in concert
Terry Clinton: Oratorio di San Giuseppe
Terry Clinton: Ceiling of the Oratorio di San Giuseppe
Terry Clinton: Bruce Dickey
Terry Clinton: Minstrel in the gallery
Terry Clinton: The organ
Terry Clinton: Tuning up
Terry Clinton: Rehearsals for Le Roman de Fauvel
Terry Clinton: Rehearsals for Le Roman de Fauvel
Terry Clinton: Charivari!
Terry Clinton: Rehearsals for Le Roman de Fauvel
Terry Clinton: Rehearsals for Le Roman de Fauvel
Terry Clinton: The view from our rehearsal space
Terry Clinton: A bit of grotesquery
Terry Clinton: Secret garden in the Palazzo Ducale
Terry Clinton: Secret garden in the Palazzo Ducale
Terry Clinton: The harp and the well
Terry Clinton: Run through of the finale
Terry Clinton: Run through of the finale
Terry Clinton: Opening number
Terry Clinton: Shadow play
Terry Clinton: Finale
Terry Clinton: Breathing life into dead goats
Terry Clinton: Restaurant session