Terry Clinton: Lecco
Terry Clinton: Lake Como at Lecco
Terry Clinton: The Duomo, Milan
Terry Clinton: Up the funicular railway at Como
Terry Clinton: A lovely villa at Brunate
Terry Clinton: The Bella Vista at Brunate
Terry Clinton: The lake at Como
Terry Clinton: Villa Reale Monza
Terry Clinton: The Villa from the rose garden
Terry Clinton: Parco di Monza
Terry Clinton: Two vintage babies in Modena
Terry Clinton: Carved altar in the duomo di Modena
Terry Clinton: La Porta Regia, Il duomo di Modena
Terry Clinton: Genesis at Modena
Terry Clinton: Palazzo Ducale
Terry Clinton: A medieval stair in Mantua
Terry Clinton: Buildings on the Piazza delle Erbe
Terry Clinton: Rotonda di San Lorenzo
Terry Clinton: Palazzo Te
Terry Clinton: Palazzo Te - Il giardino segreto
Terry Clinton: Basilica Cattedrale di San Giorgio
Terry Clinton: A pause outside the duomo at Ferrara
Terry Clinton: Heavy lifting
Terry Clinton: Part of the menagerie around the great door
Terry Clinton: The duomo at Ferrara
Terry Clinton: Medieval backstreet in Ferrara
Terry Clinton: Another Romanesque facade
Terry Clinton: The baptistery of Parma
Terry Clinton: Baptistery dome
Terry Clinton: The baptistery