terrygray: Marcus with mom
terrygray: Marcus ready for a nap
terrygray: Christine and Marcus
terrygray: three generations
terrygray: Terry and Marcus
terrygray: Marcus taking a snooze
terrygray: Marcus with mom
terrygray: Grandma and Marcus
terrygray: Christine's family
terrygray: most of the family
terrygray: Bob and Lee
terrygray: Barb, Natalie & Pat
terrygray: family
terrygray: family
terrygray: Karen and Natasha
terrygray: me and my mother
terrygray: Christine and Mom
terrygray: Lee and Bob
terrygray: Christine and Terry
terrygray: Natasha and Marcus
terrygray: Christine with quilt
terrygray: Marcus
terrygray: Marcus
terrygray: Marcus
terrygray: Marcus
terrygray: Terry and Marcus
terrygray: Lee and Marcus
terrygray: Bob and Marcus
terrygray: Christine and Marcus
terrygray: Karen and Marcus