terrygray: Entrance to the University of Idaho Arboretum and Botanical Garden Information Sign - Moscow Idaho
terrygray: New Larch cones
terrygray: Spring Reflections
terrygray: Reflection
terrygray: Reflection
terrygray: University of Idaho Arboretum
terrygray: Fall at Moscow, Idaho
terrygray: University of Idaho Arboretum and Botanical Garden
terrygray: Fall
terrygray: University of Idaho Arboretum and Botanical Garden in Spring
terrygray: Winter Scene
terrygray: A Black and White kind of Day
terrygray: UI Arboretum Concert
terrygray: University of Idaho Arboretum fall
terrygray: A taste of Winter
terrygray: Belted Kingfisher
terrygray: Orchid Iris
terrygray: Iris
terrygray: Great Blue Heron
terrygray: Canada Goose Family
terrygray: Mallard and Cinnamon Teal drakes
terrygray: Gosling
terrygray: Bohemian Waxwing eating Crab Apple
terrygray: Cedar Waxwing eating Crab Apple
terrygray: Common Yellowthroat, female
terrygray: Orange-crowned Warbler, 1st winter taiga
terrygray: MacGillivray's Warbler, juvenile
terrygray: Yellow-rumped Warbler
terrygray: Yellow Warbler male
terrygray: White-crowned Sparrow, juvenile