terrygray: Gray Catbird Singing
terrygray: Swainson's Thrush Singing
terrygray: Townsend's Solitaire Singing
terrygray: Brewer's Sparrow Singing
terrygray: Red-winged Blackbird and Rusty Blackbird Singing
terrygray: Rusty Blackbird
terrygray: Red-winged Blackbird singing
terrygray: Western Meadowlark Singing
terrygray: Song Sparrow Singing
terrygray: Black-capped Chickadee Singing
terrygray: Northern Flicker calling
terrygray: American Goldfinch Singing
terrygray: Red Crossbills Flight Calls
terrygray: Savannah Sparrow Singing
terrygray: Winter Wren in Full Song
terrygray: Yellow-headed Blackbird,male singing
terrygray: Pied-billed Grebe, calling
terrygray: Yellow-headed Blackbird Call
terrygray: Yellow-headed Blackbird chatter
terrygray: Western Flycatcher Singing
terrygray: Willow Flycatcher singing and one call note
terrygray: Mystery Vireo Singing
terrygray: Mystery Vireo Singing
terrygray: Cordilleran Flycatcher singing
terrygray: Willow Flycatcher singing and Hummingbird
terrygray: Western Wood-Pewee
terrygray: Cooper's Hawk Fledglings calling
terrygray: May25,2014 Clay-colored Sparrow Singing