terryjh: Sheep traces
terryjh: Path to Sandy Hole Pass
terryjh: Sandy Hole Pass in the distance
terryjh: East Dart Waterfall
terryjh: Marsh Land on approach to Sandy Hole Pass
terryjh: East Dart at Sandy Hole Pass
terryjh: Cut Hill in the distance, with pony
terryjh: Peat Hag and Tussock grass: the path to Cut Hill
terryjh: Fur Tor from peat hag on Cut Hill Summit
terryjh: Fur Tor, dried stream
terryjh: Fur Tor (1)
terryjh: Toward Brat Tor from Fur Tor
terryjh: Fur Tor: main outcrop
terryjh: Fur Tor main outcrop
terryjh: North West from Cut Hill
terryjh: Panorama from Cut Hill, Fur Tor at centre
terryjh: North West Passage, descending from Cut Hill
terryjh: Peat Hags and bogs, Cut Hill summit, looking West
terryjh: North West Passage Marker Stone
terryjh: Statts House