terryjh: Route to Great Gable, Oct 08
terryjh: From Brandreth, Oct 08
terryjh: Causing trouble with sheep 3 (And so it ends.)
terryjh: Route to Haystacks
terryjh: Route to Haystacks 2
terryjh: Haystacks Hail
terryjh: Haystacks - how to get down really quickly
terryjh: Innominate Tarn, Haystacks
terryjh: Innominate Tarn and the Gables
terryjh: TwoTarns, Haystacks
terryjh: High Stile from Haystacks Summit
terryjh: Pillar from Haystacks summit
terryjh: Behind Blencathra
terryjh: ScalesTarn and the strange disappearance of Sharp Edge
terryjh: Sheep portrait in monochrome
terryjh: Great Gable, Oct 08
terryjh: From Knott Rigg (on an incredibly windy morning)
terryjh: From Knott Rigg 2
terryjh: Newlands Valley and Moss Force
terryjh: Moss Force, Newlands Hause
terryjh: Moss Force, Newlands Hause
terryjh: Newlands Hause from the High Snockrigg path
terryjh: Cornered sheep, near Robinson
terryjh: North West from High Snockrigg
terryjh: Crummock Water and Loweswater from High Snockrigg
terryjh: Steep descent, Newlands Hause
terryjh: Blencathra from Low Rigg
terryjh: Thistles and a patch of late sunlight, near Lonscale Fell
terryjh: Tewet Tarn, Blencathra, one man fishing
terryjh: Woodlands above Crummock Water