Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Tero at the first joint rehearsal of the May Tour
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: First joint rehearsal of the May 2011 Tour
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Anne Azéma at reherasals
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: MTV3 interview after day rehearsals
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Tero directing the singers
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Music Director Joel and Sound Manager Marco chatting
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Traditional "dark office shot": Marja at the dress rehearsal
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: The chain at the dress rehearsal in Logomo
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Marco (front) and Eero in their cage
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Tero giving directions at the dress rehearsal
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Ninu goodfing around in the dress rehearsal de-brief
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: The dancers' muscles are sore.
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Calle disucussing some moves
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Saku (left) and Sini on stage in Logomo
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Dress rehearsal at Logomo
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Dress rehearsal at Logomo
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Dress rehearsal at Logomo
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Marco, working at The Finnish National Theatre
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Facade of The Finnish National Theatre
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Maria arrives at the theatre in green style with bike
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Henkka overseeing rehearsals
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: The Finnish National Theatre
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: The Finnish National Theatre
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Backstage view at the Main Stage
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Eagle owl spotted in the heart of Helsinki!
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Don, Peggy, Anne and Tim in downtown Helsinki, looking for birds
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Tero, Carolann and Don with Cody Oreck, wife of US ambassador to Finland
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: The Boston Camerata backstage after the show
Tero Saarinen Company Photostream: Iiris with Mika Myllyaho, director of The Finnish National Theatre