teresawestcoat: Coffee to go
teresawestcoat: Brothers
teresawestcoat: The view
teresawestcoat: More Flamingos
teresawestcoat: Pink Flamingos
teresawestcoat: more Pelicans
teresawestcoat: Big balloon
teresawestcoat: Flamingos 4
teresawestcoat: Flamingos 3
teresawestcoat: Flamingos 2
teresawestcoat: Flamingos
teresawestcoat: odd "duck" ?
teresawestcoat: Cheetahs 2
teresawestcoat: Cheetahs
teresawestcoat: shoulder glance
teresawestcoat: Cheetah 2
teresawestcoat: Giraffes
teresawestcoat: Elephant
teresawestcoat: Mother elephant
teresawestcoat: Resting Pelican
teresawestcoat: Pelican - A Portrait