T Stokes:
Setting off from Clerkenwell
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Ten minutes into the run
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Katie and Roy
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Brian Cobbold, Alan Aughey of Pashley Australia
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Near Southwark Bridge
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Our paramedics
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Southwark Bridge Road
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Young remainer
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By the Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park
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Waiting at red light
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Cordings rosettes
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Craig Lawrie and Mark Smith
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About to go into the park
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My bike at Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, Imperial War Museum
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My bike at Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, Imperial War Museum
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Karen and Louise
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Tweed Teddy
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Stanley, Tweed Run dog
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Julia and Isabella
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T Stokes:
Tally ho
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Jake and Chris
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Reginald McCormack
T Stokes:
Lance, Katie and Roy
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Flynn, Mark, Lloyd and Charles
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Merlin, Reginald & Georgia
T Stokes:
Merlin, Reginald and Georgia
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Leaving the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth
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Mark Jones, Eve and Freddie
T Stokes:
Santander bike couple