T Stokes: 100_3601 Ashford Castle - the oldest part seen southside
T Stokes: 100_3601a Ashford Castle oldest part south side
T Stokes: 100_3602 Ashford Castle southside, Fuller's part is behind the fountain
T Stokes: 100_3604 Ashford Castle southside, Fuller's central section
T Stokes: Ashford Castle
T Stokes: 100_3605 Ashford Castle southside, view from the shore of Loch Corrib in the rain
T Stokes: 100_3606 Ashford Castle coat of arms
T Stokes: 100_3607 Ashford Castle spes mea in deo
T Stokes: 100_3608 Ashford Castle tiny castle1
T Stokes: 100_3609 Ashford Castle tiny castle2
T Stokes: 100_3610 Ashford Castle west wall, oldest part of building
T Stokes: 100_3611 Ashford Castle west wall coats of arms
T Stokes: 100_3612 Ashford Castle west side details
T Stokes: 100_3613 Ashford Castle west side detail
T Stokes: 100_3614 Ashford Castle west side windows
T Stokes: 100_3615 Ashford Castle west side door & window details
T Stokes: 100_3616 Ashford Castle west side showing variety of windows
T Stokes: 100_3617 Ashford Castle west door
T Stokes: 100_3618 Ashford Castle heraldic bird above west door
T Stokes: 100_3618 Ashford Castle west door & windows
T Stokes: Ashford Castle main entrance
T Stokes: 100_3620 Ashford Castle main entrance on north side
T Stokes: 100_3621 Ashford Castle castellated gate possibly by Fuller as it resembles entrance at Belleek
T Stokes: 100_3622 Ashford Castle castellated gate in pouring rain
T Stokes: 100_3623 Ashford Castle castellated gate to bridge with car
T Stokes: 100_3624 Ashford Castle castellated gate to bridge without car
T Stokes: 100_3627 Ashford Castle Stokes Teresa sheltering from rain in gate house