Teresa (be there...): Sleepy cat presenting tusks
Teresa (be there...): three donkeys with lilies
Teresa (be there...): 30 degree in shadow!
Teresa (be there...): Old hunter with a brown nose
Teresa (be there...): Pura Goa Lavah
Teresa (be there...): outside the frame
Teresa (be there...): Herbstspaziergang
Teresa (be there...): deer cooling in the mud / Hirsch im Schlamm liegend
Teresa (be there...): Waschbär / Raccoon
Teresa (be there...): Bad Glance/Böser Hund
Teresa (be there...): Langschwanz Makake (Uluwatu, Bali)
Teresa (be there...): Cat on a stone wall
Teresa (be there...): Blue eye, green eye (no tricks!!!)
Teresa (be there...): giraffe-horse
Teresa (be there...): Hare on the move / Hase in Bewegung
Teresa (be there...): Streifenhörnchen
Teresa (be there...): Oryx - Horns / Säbelantilope - Hörner
Teresa (be there...): Cat on a sunny meadow
Teresa (be there...): Funny couple / Lustiges Pärchen
Teresa (be there...): Macaque family