Teresa Devine:
Luling 2
Teresa Devine:
Luling 3
Teresa Devine:
Luling 4
Teresa Devine:
Luling 5
Teresa Devine:
Luling 6
Teresa Devine:
Luling 7
Teresa Devine:
Luling 8
Teresa Devine:
085/2010 Central Texas Wildflowers 1
Teresa Devine:
Luling 9
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Luling 10
Teresa Devine:
092/365 Willow City Loop 1
Teresa Devine:
Willow City Loop 2
Teresa Devine:
Willow City Loop 3
Teresa Devine:
Willow City Loop 4
Teresa Devine:
Willow City Loop 5
Teresa Devine:
Willow City Loop 6
Teresa Devine:
Willow City Loop 7
Teresa Devine:
Willow City Loop 8
Teresa Devine:
Teresa Devine:
Daisy with Ladybugs
Teresa Devine:
Vine and Trellis
Teresa Devine:
Red, White and Blue Bluebonnets
Teresa Devine:
102/365 Pink among the Red
Teresa Devine:
Texas Purple Vetch
Teresa Devine:
Fiddleneck along Texas 16
Teresa Devine:
Bluebonnets along Texas 16
Teresa Devine:
Indian Blankets all in a row