Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins (staying alive) on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Settling Puffin on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Bunny Rabbit on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Incoming Puffin on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Heartily equipped photographers
Terekhova: Puffins on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffin carrying food on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Puffin carrying food on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Arctic Tern on the Isle of May
Terekhova: The May Princess docked on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Gary, Sam, Elisa & Mum on the May Princess
Terekhova: Seagulls following the May Princess
Terekhova: Mum, Sara, Kev, Mel on the May Princess just before sailing to the Isle of May
Terekhova: A Puffling (young Puffin) just prior to release
Terekhova: Bunny Rabbit on the Isle of May
Terekhova: Juvenile European herring gulls
Terekhova: Isle of May landscape
Terekhova: Isle of May landscape