Terapixel²: Canon 50/1.8 internals
Terapixel²: Lenses to play with
Terapixel²: Fast Homemade Lens
Terapixel²: Homemade Lens vs. 80-200/2.8
Terapixel²: Homemade Lens softfocus
Terapixel²: Spirit
Terapixel²: The universe of the 50/1.4
Terapixel²: X-Duck
Terapixel²: Fast Homemade Lens Internals
Terapixel²: Canon lens with Nikon mount
Terapixel²: Refurbished
Terapixel²: Low-Cost Macro Setup 04.2011
Terapixel²: Macro Setup 06.2011
Terapixel²: Electrosnake Attacks Fly
Terapixel²: Yet Another Macro Setup
Terapixel²: Macrosetup: Manual lens, grip and flash diffusor 11.2011
Terapixel²: Handy Macro Setup 11.2011
Terapixel²: Macro Extension Tubes Mod
Terapixel²: The Ultimate Macro Setup?
Terapixel²: Macro Setup 05.2011
Terapixel²: Spongy Body
Terapixel²: Digiscope 900/F7
Terapixel²: Automated Macro Stacking Setup 02.2012
Terapixel²: DIY Polarizing Diffuser Setup
Terapixel²: Macro Setup *Made In Germany* 03.2012
Terapixel²: Modded Infrared Camera | Umgebaute Infrarot-Kamera
Terapixel²: Novoflex 400mm F5.6
Terapixel²: The USB-Bellows-Camera-Projector