teraflops: IMG_0015.JPG
teraflops: IMG_0016.JPG
teraflops: IMG_0017.JPG
teraflops: Mikey_3
teraflops: Mikey_2
teraflops: Mikey
teraflops: He hates this
teraflops: Twoo wuv
teraflops: New Hotness(and puppy)
teraflops: New Hotness(and puppy)
teraflops: Mikey looks on and the bike looks unready
teraflops: all conked out
teraflops: Dana n Mikey 2
teraflops: urk
teraflops: Dana n Mikey
teraflops: nini
teraflops: nap
teraflops: pillow
teraflops: Smells
teraflops: No really
teraflops: I like this boot
teraflops: Garagedog
teraflops: Mikey in the Garage
teraflops: Puppyshed