fraley_tera: {the love project ♥}
fraley_tera: "Tied together by stuff too difficult to explain to someone new"~Story People
fraley_tera: "Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart." ~Author Unknown
fraley_tera: “A hundred hearts would be too few, to carry all my love for you.”~Author Unknown
fraley_tera: My ♥ belongs to a soldier.
fraley_tera: “For you see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.“ ~Rosemonde Gerard
fraley_tera: "We need a letter that's like i & u together for when we're doing stuff like this, he said & I hugged him & said a lot of people want a letter like that." ~Story People
fraley_tera: Love yourself
fraley_tera: Happy Valentines Day♥
fraley_tera: Love is everything...
fraley_tera: "Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own."~William Hazlitt
fraley_tera: "Valentine hearts beat more passionately than everyday hearts." ~Anonymous