fraley_tera: "Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven."
fraley_tera: "Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
fraley_tera: "Life was much easier when all I had to do was make sure I got my homework done, he said." Story people
fraley_tera: A girl can never have too many shoes.
fraley_tera: I'm on my way to the future, she said & I said, But you're just sitting there listening & she smiled & said, It's harder than you'd think with all the noise everyone else is making. Story People
fraley_tera: "I divide all readers into two classes; those who read to remember and those who read to forget." ~William Lyon Phelps
fraley_tera: "All good things come to those who wait”
fraley_tera: Only 10% of the population is left handed.
fraley_tera: Have a cup of bokeh....
fraley_tera: "A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine." Italian Proverb
fraley_tera: "Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own." ~William Hazlitt
fraley_tera: "How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." ~Wayne Dyer
fraley_tera: "Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside." ~Rita Rudner
fraley_tera: "As each day comes to us refreshed and anew, so does my gratitude renew itself daily. " ~Adabella Radici
fraley_tera: "Buying a Canon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Canon owner." ~Author Unknown
fraley_tera: "If you hold on to the handle, she said, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you." ~Story people
fraley_tera: "Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. " ~The Wonder Years
fraley_tera: “Natural beauty takes at least 2 hours in front of a mirror.” ~Pamela Anderson
fraley_tera: "I mainly like life to be peaceful with a few loud noises thrown in to remind me to be grateful for the quiet I have." ~Story people
fraley_tera: "I thought I had my life organized... and then I became a mother." ~Unknown
fraley_tera: "I used to think traveling to exotic places would be fun, but I have a little more experience now & it’s only fun if it doesn’t wreck your sleep." ~Story People
fraley_tera: "Thinks about moving to someplace else where everything is different enough to be fun again." ~Story People
fraley_tera: "A habit is something you can do without thinking - which is why most of us have so many of them. " ~Frank A. Clark
fraley_tera: "The most important thing you leave behind is the stuff that turns into treasures when children find it." ~Story People
fraley_tera: "Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are." ~Julius Charles Hare