Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Google Glass user at the Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, at the opening of Wikimania 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, at the opening of Wikimania 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, at the opening of Wikimania 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Lila Tretikov, Executive Director of The Wikimedia Foundation, at the opening of Wikimania 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Lila Tretikov, Executive Director of The Wikimedia Foundation, at the opening of Wikimania 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Lila Tretikov, Executive Director of The Wikimedia Foundation, at the opening of Wikimania 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, at the opening of Wikimedia 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jan Bart de Vreede at the opening of Wikimedia 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, at the opening of Wikimedia 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, at the opening of Wikimedia 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, blows a birthday candle at the opening of Wikimedia 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, at the opening of Wikimedia 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia, at the opening of Wikimedia 2014
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jon Davies, Chief Executive Wikimedia UK, at the Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jon Davies, Chief Executive Wikimedia UK, at the Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Jon Davies, Chief Executive Wikimedia UK, at the Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Edward Saperia, Wikimania Conference Director, at the Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Edward Saperia, Wikimania Conference Director, at the Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening
Sebastiaan ter Burg: Wikimania 2014 opening