teltone: Isle De Citie
teltone: Dad & Lad
teltone: Senior Hoody
teltone: The Tower
teltone: Bench Lady
teltone: Guardian
teltone: Parisenne Tone
teltone: Camp Jefferson
teltone: Hybrid
teltone: Horse Power
teltone: Musee D'Orsay
teltone: French Service
teltone: Le Bar
teltone: Folies Bergere
teltone: Safe Fence
teltone: Pont Neuf
teltone: From the Left Bank
teltone: Walkway
teltone: The Right Bank Shops...
teltone: Beggar at the banquet - Notre Dame
teltone: Sorbonne
teltone: Tower Approach
teltone: Base Struts
teltone: Eifel
teltone: Seeing & being seen
teltone: Train spotting
teltone: Structure
teltone: Eifel
teltone: For Guerilla Girls & Boys, everywhere...
teltone: For my sisters and brothers