Telstra Corp: Telstra's Sushi Plane 'Dodge Wall' at the Ivy Pool
Telstra Corp: Dodge Wall participants
Telstra Corp: Telstra's Harijuku girls
Telstra Corp: Telstra's Sushi Plane 'Dodge Wall' at the Ivy Pool
Telstra Corp: Telstra Sushi Plane launch
Telstra Corp: Telstra Sushi Plane event
Telstra Corp: 250610_SushiPlane_0037
Telstra Corp: 250610_SushiPlane_0045
Telstra Corp: Jamie Malcolm from Morning's with Kerri-Anne meets Rome Kanda
Telstra Corp: Jamie Malcolm from Morning's with Kerri-Anne takes on the Dodge Wall
Telstra Corp: Jamie Malcolm from Morning's with Kerri-Anne takes on the Dodge Wall
Telstra Corp: Jamie Malcolm from Morning's with Kerri-Anne meets Rome Kanda
Telstra Corp: Telstra Sushi Plane event
Telstra Corp: Telstra's Harijuku girls
Telstra Corp: Telstra Harijuku girl
Telstra Corp: Telstra Harijuku girl
Telstra Corp: Dodge Wall host Rome Kanda with Harijuku girls and Dave from 3D World
Telstra Corp: Dodge Wall host Rome Kanda
Telstra Corp: Dave from 3D world gearing up for the Dodge Wall
Telstra Corp: Dave from 3D World takes on the Dodge Wall