Teleyinex: Open Source
Teleyinex: Francesca Day
Teleyinex: John Ellis presented the status of the Higgs Boson
Teleyinex: Arduino for a cosmic ray detector
Teleyinex: Arduino & Android
Teleyinex: Francois Grey
Teleyinex: Jessy Kate Schingler
Teleyinex: Peter Skands
Teleyinex: David Galbraith
Teleyinex: James Devine
Teleyinex: Presentations
Teleyinex: Virtual Worlds presentation
Teleyinex: Quentin Mazars-Simon
Teleyinex: Virtual Worlds team for LHC@Home
Teleyinex: Ben Segal & David Galbraith
Teleyinex: team
Teleyinex: Physics mega Team!
Teleyinex: Physics mega Team!
Teleyinex: A cheap cosmic ray detector
Teleyinex: Feynman Diagrams
Teleyinex: A cheap cosmic ray detector
Teleyinex: Wires
Teleyinex: New LHC Dashboard for Luminosity in HTML5
Teleyinex: Hacking the ERGO system
Teleyinex: New designs for quarks and gluons
Teleyinex: David Galbraith & Francois Grey
Teleyinex: Hungry!!!!
Teleyinex: Physics Mega Team
Teleyinex: Carstern Burgard