telene: drue face!
telene: trisha y sam
telene: lovely in lavender
telene: get your drink on!
telene: sour puss face
telene: nice pants
telene: mah posse
telene: scarlet mania
telene: lady in red
telene: put on your party face!
telene: red is the way
telene: pixing the pixer
telene: hot mama
telene: refill, please!
telene: sweet stacy
telene: konstantin y stacy
telene: now she's just *way* too cute
telene: rocky picture show
telene: schwankin' babes
telene: gustavo cozies up with the fuzz
telene: schwankin' y BBQin'
telene: 99% schwank...
telene: bartendin' babe
telene: schwanky convo
telene: sam y buck
telene: big pimpin'
telene: a drue gentlemen
telene: smokin' aces
telene: it is a time for hats
telene: fab fa