TelegraphArt: goff_Haystack2019_studioshot
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Piano (detail), 2003, Cardboard, 62"x77"x90"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Piano (detail), 2003, Cardboard, 62"x77"x90"
TelegraphArt: Piano (detail), 2003, corrugated cardboard, adhesive, 62"x77"x90"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Eggbeater, Birch Plywood, 2007,48" x 38" x 108"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Eggbeater (detail), Birch Plywood, 2007,48" x 38" x 108"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Helicopter, 2005, Cardboard, 165" x 378" x 81.5"
TelegraphArt: Helicopter (detail), 2005, corrugated cardboard and adhesive, 165"x378"x81.5"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Horsedrawn, Cardboard, 2009, 86" x 93" x 72"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Horsedrawn, Cardboard, 2009, 86" x 93" x 72"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Horsedrawn (detail), Cardboard, 2009, 86" x 93" x 72"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Kickwheel, 2010, Cardboard, 38" x 36" x30"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Phonebooth, Cardboard, 2006,36" x 36" x 93"
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Phonebooth (detail), Cardboard, 2006,36" x 36" x 93"
TelegraphArt: "Lunch"
TelegraphArt: "Trumpet"
TelegraphArt: "Trumpet" detail
TelegraphArt: Shannon Goff, Muthaboard, 2002, Cardboard, 19" x 80" x 25"
TelegraphArt: Muthaboard, 2002, corrugated cardboard and thermal adhesive, 80"x17"x23"