TelegraphArt: img001
TelegraphArt: img002
TelegraphArt: img006
TelegraphArt: img008
TelegraphArt: img010
TelegraphArt: img011
TelegraphArt: img013
TelegraphArt: img016
TelegraphArt: img018
TelegraphArt: Rapid Fabio-types
TelegraphArt: color test
TelegraphArt: color test
TelegraphArt: DSC_0548
TelegraphArt: DSC_0547
TelegraphArt: DSC_0546
TelegraphArt: DSC_0545
TelegraphArt: DSC_0544
TelegraphArt: DSC_0542
TelegraphArt: DSC_0541
TelegraphArt: DSC_0539
TelegraphArt: DSC_0538
TelegraphArt: DSC_0536
TelegraphArt: DSC_0535
TelegraphArt: DSC_0534
TelegraphArt: DSC_0531
TelegraphArt: Untitled (Sawtooth Building), from the Contemporary Tramp Series, wood from clementine crates, 2005, 3" x 5 1/4" x 4"
TelegraphArt: Untitled (House 2), from the Contemporary Tramp Series, wood from clementine crates, 2005, 2 5/8" x 3" x 4" Collection of Karen Hufnagle
TelegraphArt: Untitled (hip roof III), from the Contemporary Tramp Series, wood from clementine crates, 2005, 2" x 6 1/5" x 4"
TelegraphArt: Vaults - closed - Tom Lauerman
TelegraphArt: Vaults - closed - Tom Lauerman