teknopasto: Paphos, Cyprus
teknopasto: Tomb of the Kings
teknopasto: Leading devotions on the Sea of Galilee
teknopasto: Our group at the Garden Tomb
teknopasto: Ready for baptismal renewal
teknopasto: Letting the fishes nibble
teknopasto: Ken and his big shrimp!
teknopasto: Capernaum
teknopasto: Capernaum
teknopasto: Capernaum
teknopasto: Capernaum
teknopasto: Tabgha
teknopasto: Capernaum
teknopasto: Tabgha
teknopasto: Capernaum synagogue
teknopasto: Mount of the Beatitudes
teknopasto: Ken & Zelba on the Sea of Galilee
teknopasto: On the Sea of Galilee
teknopasto: On the Sea of Galilee
teknopasto: Valley of Elah
teknopasto: Caiphas' house
teknopasto: First Century Steps, Caiphas' house
teknopasto: In the dungeon of Caiphas' house
teknopasto: St. Peter in Gallicantu (Caiphas' house)
teknopasto: Communion at Garden Tomb
teknopasto: Garden Tomb
teknopasto: Baklava at lunch!!!
teknopasto: Bethlehem
teknopasto: Bethlehem
teknopasto: Bethlehem