tekkbabe: Gary Magenta speaks on Compass to the organization at the all company meeting
tekkbabe: Jim Haudan, CEO closes the session
tekkbabe: Engaged in the activity, facilitator Gary Magenta assists
tekkbabe: The activity from the unique perspective of Jeff Seevers
tekkbabe: Bryan Moon is engaged
tekkbabe: Gary Magenta facilitates a session
tekkbabe: Facilitation at this table by Eliot W
tekkbabe: Jim Haudan, CEO and Alison Lazenby confer during the launch event
tekkbabe: Gary Magenta (right) facilitates the mini-overview session
tekkbabe: The activity is familiar to most but with a new focus
tekkbabe: Eliot W
tekkbabe: Gary Magenta addresses the group at the launch event
tekkbabe: Eliot W contributes his part to the presentation
tekkbabe: A significant accomplishment, and Root celebrates as it introduces this new offering internally
tekkbabe: Brian Donovan preserves the event for future use
tekkbabe: Sunrise on a new way of developing managers - Birch Conference Room - Root Learning
tekkbabe: Welcome to "Compass"
tekkbabe: Sun rises on the event venue
tekkbabe: The Birch Room is ready for action
tekkbabe: Shedding light on a new offering from Root Learning
tekkbabe: Compass