tekazoh: Here's the 11th robo for #365robo : Rainbo. Inspired by the weather these days. Rainbo is very2 tall robo, that he could reach the sky. He is also love roller-blading untill he sweating all over. Many people doesn't know but it's how rain happen in their
tekazoh: They're back, 10th robo for #365robo : Melbo. Inspired by some guy at The Voice season 12. He's voice are really awesome. Melbo is blues musician, he play by himself at local cafe. He's favourite song is "I wanna be that droid you looking for", very class
tekazoh: 9th robo for #365robo series: Curbo. He is warm-hearted punk-head robot. Despite of his mohawk head, his heart is so soft that he easily cried watching show about dancing animal. That's why he's working at Curhat.inc hotline center. He's job is to listen
tekazoh: Again, inspired by the number itself, introducing 8th robo for #365robo : Sarbo. She is animalia type robot from feline species. Sarbo live in dark place, she work for very2 bad cyndicate as a silent assasin. I warn you to keep distance from her if you do
tekazoh: Inspired by the number itself, introducing Bo, Jamesbo, for 7th #365robo. Jamesbo is still a little robot (in human age it's similiar as 8-9 years old). He really loves action movie, espionage movie especially. But in the film industry in his world is fo
tekazoh: Meet Annibo, 6th robo for #365robo series. Inspired by mother anniversary today. Annibo works at Happy.inc, he's job desc is to find sad people and make them happy by singing, perform magic, telling smart joke, etc. He says that is his dream job, to make
tekazoh: Have you met.. Wribo? Introducing, she is the 5th robo for #365robo series. Inspired from collaborating with great guys from World Resources Institute. Although the name may not sound like it, Wribo is actually first robo that's girl. If you wondering why
tekazoh: Emotibo is 4th robo for #365robo series. I will write the description later because I was very2 exhausted. #robot #vector #illustration #character
tekazoh: Kobo, 3rd robo for #365robo series. Inspired by my audio recorder that I just use tonight for engagement documentation work. Kobo like to play basket ball. But if you wondering did he ever pass? yup, no, he's hand is super glued to the ball, it can't remo
tekazoh: Meet 2nd robo for #365robo series: Chabo. Inspired from meeting with guys behind Change.org ID the day before yesterday. Chabo like to collect petition to help the people in need. He always have the pen and paper ready. Why he still use paper on this envi
tekazoh: #365robo is #challenge for myself to make 1 robot #vector #character #illustration every day for 1 year ahead. There he is, the first one. He's from Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan.
tekazoh: 20th #365robo: Usubo. //Inspired by keripik usus (that I didn’t know the english name) I ate today, I honestly think it’s the best snack ever// Usubo is a RnB music producer robot. He rise many artist under his label Usumusic Studio. He usually take a vir
tekazoh: Hi there, it’s Parrabo 19th #365robo. // Inspired by Toucan bird, but I ends up taking colour from parrot, I think it’s fit for a child toy. // Parrabo live to search for his personal legend: the treasure that buried in some kind of pyramid. In one of his
tekazoh: Been a while folks, introducing Arabo for 18th #365robo series. Inspired, aka requested, by Ziwa from Dubai. Arabo is a merchant, he travels all across the world to sell magical water that only robot of his type could produce in exchange for sweets, yes h
tekazoh: 17th #365robo: Gyabo. This robot is a gift for my brother that studying abroad in Japan for his birthday today. Gyabo is superhero wannabe robot that love to sing as vocalist in a band, when he free from studying subject that mater to him. // Met ulang ta
tekazoh: Here goes the 16th robo for #365robo : Sixbo. Inspired by satrical comedy that happen in phone call. Sixbo work as standup comedian. He won 2nd place in national television competiton. All people who met him always expecting him to funny all the time. The
tekazoh: 15th robo for #365robo series: Oneokbo. This robo is tribute to One OK Rock, Japan rock band that just performed in Jakarta last weekend. The show was really great btw. Oneokbo is drummer for an indie rock band. His special move is playing drum with 3 sti
tekazoh: Saturday robo for 14th #365robo series: Kangabo. Inspired by meeting with people from Australian Embassy Jakarta asking us ti make infographics. Kangabo is a endagered robo, they're last producted long time ago in year 12W4A, and now they producing them s
tekazoh: 13th #365robo : Sandbo. Inspired by some fast food franchise that give special deal on their anniversary today, it was good. Sandbo is a war veteran, in world war XX-208 tragically he lost his leg in nuclear attack. After retired from army (he was colonel
tekazoh: Here comes the 12th #365robo : Slidebo! In collaboration with @rzulian . This monsieur live under the sea. Now that he retired and have plenty of cash, he loves enjoy tea in the afternoon and sometimes going to land hoping no one with their friend and the