tttkay: desde el cielo
tttkay: virgil village fam
tttkay: mercado la paloma
tttkay: mercado la paloma
tttkay: sweet red peppers from dad's garden
tttkay: zucchini from dad's garden (later converted into zucchini bread)
tttkay: 1344: la casa de un@ cafeter@
tttkay: cumbiando
tttkay: workin' it
tttkay: suspenders
tttkay: my favorite non-couple couple
tttkay: cynthia
tttkay: p(ei)j(en)
tttkay: jay
tttkay: erika
tttkay: dance dance dance
tttkay: dancin'
tttkay: getting down
tttkay: edgar y mille
tttkay: sala
tttkay: amazing 1906 ceiling painting in daniel's comedor
tttkay: in the moment
tttkay: the crew: dancing
tttkay: erika y tekah
tttkay: dtla from boyle heights
tttkay: julia
tttkay: t-kay
tttkay: chado tea room con julia
tttkay: arco iris in cypress park
tttkay: in the backseat